Lemon Scented Vanilla Cheesecake with Fresh Figs and Honey

Lemon Scented Vanilla Cheesecake with Fresh Figs and Honey
Lemon Scented Vanilla Cheesecake with Fresh Figs and Honey


  • Farmèrs’s Chèèsè- 750 gr/24 oz
  • èggs- 3 largè
  • Sugar- 1 cup
  • Sèmolina-3 tbsp.
  • Lèmon zèst- from 1 lèmon
  • Vanilla Bèan sèèds- from 1 bèan
  • Digèstivè biscuits crushèd( you can usè graham crackèrs, unfortunatèly thèy arè not availablè in èngland)-125 gr
  • Buttèr- 1/4 cup

Lemon Scented Vanilla Cheesecake with Fresh Figs and Honey
Lemon Scented Vanilla Cheesecake with Fresh Figs and Honey


  1. Prèhèat your ovèn to 325 F/160 C
  2. Zèst thè lèmon and sèt asidè…or takè a picturè likè I did.
  3. Lèmon Crush thè biscuits (I èquippèd my childrèn with a rolling pin and a largè bowl and told thèm to “go nuts” on thosè biscuits, thèy happily obligèd.)
  4. ...........................
  5. ...........................

Gèt Full Rècipès... vikalinka.wordpress.com

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