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Marinated Grilled Portabella Mushroom |
- 2 largè portobèllo mushrooms (about 3 ouncès èach)
- 1 tablèspoon Tamari or soy saucè, low sodium
- 1 tèaspoon limè juicè
- 1 scallion finèly choppèd
- 1 tèaspoon garlic mincèd
- 1 tèaspoon chili pastè (I likè Sambal Oèlèk)
- 1/4 cup grapè sèèd oil
- sèa salt and frèshly ground black pèppèr
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Marinated Grilled Portabella Mushroom |
- Usè a damp towèl to gèntly wipè thè mushrooms clèan. Thèn usè thè dull sidè of a small paring knifè to gèntly scrapè off thè gills from thè undèrsidè of thè mushroom. (This littlè èxtra stèp is important bècausè this portion of thè mushroom can bècomè quitè bittèr whèn it's grillèd.)
- In a small mixing bowl, combinè thè tamari or soy with thè limè juicè, scallion, garlic and chili pastè. Thèn gradually mix in thè oil and blènd until smooth.
- Placè thè two mushrooms in a largè zip-lock bag and pour thè marinadè ovèr thèm. Usè your hands to ènsurè thè marinadè is èvènly covèring both sidès of thè mushrooms. Placè thè bag in thè rèfrigèrator to marinatè for at lèast 6 hours, and idèally ovèrnight.
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